
MBA Class 2010 - Sauder School of Business

Hey there,

I just wanted to share shortly with you my MBA class!
(they forced us to dress up ;) )

Please comment!


Scarlet fever??? what's that?

Hey my friends,

This is my third week of the MBA core program. And I know you won't believe me, but some of us compare it with hell ;) For all of you that think I'm here on holidays... forget about that! 
After the first week of (let's call it...) 'hell', I became sick. After paying $100 to see the doctor for 2 minutes, the doctor told me that I have scarlet fever. For those of you, who have not heard of it, let's try to ask wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlet_fever. 
The reaction of my Mexican friend was: 'Oh I like Scarlet. But more the movie than the book!'. So I showed her wikipedia ;) Although I had to take antibiothics, I could not stay at home, because we had to write assignments almost every day. In the meantime, I am fit again :-)

Here are some impressions what I did in the last few weeks. Have fun!

Waiting for the skytrain coming home from a soccer game. 

Gala dinner with our dean!

High ropes course - I love heights!